Sunday 27 October 2013

Dale Wishewan wins

2013 Prairies EY Entrepreneur of the Year and 2013 Business-to-Consumer Products and Services Award for Booster Juice!

Congratulations Dale!


Booster juice . (2013, 09 17). Retrieved from

Bringing Booster Juice to School

Pizza day, KFC day, how about Booster Juice day.  Pizza and deep fried chicken may be tasty but not the healthiest choice for our kids.  Eating healthy at lunch will help to boost the kids energy and focus levels.  Booster Juice is not only healthy, but I must say it tastes a lot better than a piece of deep fried chicken!  This could be the start of a change towards healthier lifestyles for the generations to come.

"Booster Juice has been a leader in developing a healthy school menu that adheres to strict provincial guidelines across Canada"

Get your school involved today:

  1. PTA or Teacher from your school goes to your closest Booster Juice location
  2. Pick up a package containing the order forms, menu offerings and nutritional information
  3. Take them back to your school and fill out the order forms
  4. Send the order back to the store to receive your order on any given day

Booster juice lunch program. (2012, 9 13). Retrieved from

Target Market

Booster Juice has a clear target for their product, that being healthy, active, busy people.

Healthy:  Booster Juice offers freshly blended real fruit smoothies that can't be compared to a store bought one.  With tons of flavours and boosters to choose from you can get all your daily servings of fruits and vitamins in a single cup.

Active:  People that stay active need healthy food to keep up with their daily routines.  Booster juice offers "boosters" (an added liquid of your choice) that can give you a burst of energy to start you up, or a burst of protein at the end of your day.

Busy:  This day in age is loaded with fast food restaurants to keep the people up with their busy lives.  Instead of the hundreds of repeated heated hamburger joints, the smoothie is a fast growing competitor due to its different menu items and healthier choses that are served fast.

According to Blogger Leslie Buckler who worked at Booster Juice as an employee classified her customers as:

  1. Families with young kids
  2. Regulars that return regularly
  3. People trying it for the first time
In a social point of view it is good to see parents moving their children away from chicken nuggets and over to a healthier choice, that's what indefinitely needs to be done for a healthier future.  However, in a business point of view the most important customers are the regulars and first timers.  

If you can run a Booster Juice, keeping your regulars satisfied while impressing the new comers it is a business destined for utmost success.

Buckler, L. (2012, 2 8). Booster juice blogging. Retrieved from

Saturday 26 October 2013

The Future of Booster Juice

Success is on the way, one step at a time.  Booster Juice started out when a couple guys realized the Canadian market really had no big smoothie companies. 300 stores later and it only took them a little more than 10 years.  According to Booster Juice's National Training Manager the last couple years have opened up around 30-35 stores per year and they plan on continuing this pattern.  He believes that Booster Juice offers a good quality product that you can see them making fresh right in front of you. Its a product you can eat weather your 65 years old or 5 years old, it offers such diverse target markets that leave room for innovation within the companies future. Just recently Jose Bautista a professional baseball player signed as a spokesperson offering the company huge promotion opportunities.  Booster Juice is going bigger, getting smarter and definitely moving in the right direction if you ask me!


Faire, L. (2012). Community spotlight: Booster juice's len hoang. Retrieved from

Own a Franchise of your own!

1.  Purchase an available location on

2. Booster Juice HQ will pay to design the store including layout, equipment and software

3.  Booster Juice will give you and your employees 12 days of training.

4.  Booster Juice will ship you 3 - 4 days worth of supplies and goods

5.  $30,000 fee for starting 1st store, $20,000 every store after

* If you already own a successful smoothie store of your own, Booster Juice will allow you to convert for $15,000

6.  You will pay a percentage of your income to Booster Juice (roughly around 6%)

Company. (n.d.). Booster Juice: UFOC. FREEFranchiseDocs: The Ultimate Free Franchise Resource and Document Center. Retrieved October 26, 2013, from


In America smoothies have become a very popular beverage and snack choice, so there have been more competition in this market.  Booster Juice has different competitors depending on where the location is.

1. In Canada itself Booster Juice controls more than twice as much of the market than Jugo Juice (another Alberta based smoothie company).

2. Throughout all of North America there are a lot of competition including:
  • Jamba Juice (over 500 locations)
  • Smoothie King (almost 400 locations)
  • Freshens
  • Planet Smoothie
Booster Juice currently has around 250 locations, mostly in Canada but a few in other countries like Saudi Arabia.  Although there aren't many competitors in the smoothie markets in countries like this, it cost 10 times more to open its first store over there, than to make a new one in Canada.  All the shipping costs, creating new menus to attract to the culture, translating material, flying back and forth add up pretty fast causing the price of Booster Juices drinks to be a bit pricey.

Don't you think Booster Juice has a better chance staying in Canada, rather than taking the risks to compete in other countries?

Bogomolny, L. (2006). Boost their juice. Canadian Business79(3), 56-59.


Founded November 1999 in Sherwood Park, a nice suburban area in Edmonton, Alberta. Co-owners Dale Wishewan and Jonathan Amack have been in charge since day one.  They originally bought out two other smoothie chains to decrease competition and went off to a quick start. In the first 3 years they had created more than 75 stores, and wisely decided to "hit the brakes". Focusing more on building equity they waited for an opportunity to go outside of Canada. In 2004 Fawaz Al Hokair from Saudi Arabia (owner of many malls) made deals with Wishewan and Amack to bring Booster Juice over there. Hokair was known for bringing over franchises such as Cinnabon, Seattle's Best Coffee and La Senza. Today with hundreds of locations in Canada and a few around the Globe, it is definitely a growing business that would be great to become a part of.

Bogomolny, L. (2006, Jan). Boost their juice. Canadian Business, 79, 56-59. Retrieved from