Saturday 26 October 2013

Own a Franchise of your own!

1.  Purchase an available location on

2. Booster Juice HQ will pay to design the store including layout, equipment and software

3.  Booster Juice will give you and your employees 12 days of training.

4.  Booster Juice will ship you 3 - 4 days worth of supplies and goods

5.  $30,000 fee for starting 1st store, $20,000 every store after

* If you already own a successful smoothie store of your own, Booster Juice will allow you to convert for $15,000

6.  You will pay a percentage of your income to Booster Juice (roughly around 6%)

Company. (n.d.). Booster Juice: UFOC. FREEFranchiseDocs: The Ultimate Free Franchise Resource and Document Center. Retrieved October 26, 2013, from

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